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The Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Bachelor's Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching is a professionally oriented master's degree that aims to provide teacher training in basic and necessary skills to work in both public and private schools in Spain, in compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate, vocational training, and language teaching.
The master's degree is regulated at the national level by Order ECI/3858/2007 which grants admission to the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary and Bachelor's Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.
The program offers a psycho-pedagogical and didactic education of excellence related to the current educational contexts mentioned above in accordance with the high social and educational impact required of the profession. To this end, the master’s degree has a highly qualified teaching team with extensive practical experience in addressing the challenges that arise daily in such educational situations.
The master's degree consists of a general academic block and a specific academic block. The latter is made up of the following specialties:
- Foreign Languages - English
- Tecnología e Informática
- Business Economics
- Training and Job Orientation
- Physical Education and Sport
- Food Industry
- Geography and History
For further information, please refer to the "Syllabus" section.
Learning Results
Throughout the master's program, students should develop the following general competencies:
- Knowledge of the curricular contents of the subjects related to the corresponding teaching specialization, as well as the body of didactic knowledge regarding the respective teaching and learning processes. For professional training, knowledge of the respective professions will be included.
- Plan, develop, and evaluate the teaching and learning process, promoting educational processes that facilitate the acquisition of the competencies of the respective studies, taking into account the previous educational levels of the students as well as their orientation, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and educational center professionals.
- Search, obtain, process, and communicate information (oral, printed, audiovisual, digital or multimedia), transform it into knowledge and apply it in the teaching and learning processes in the subjects of the specialization studied.
- Specify the curriculum to be implemented in an educational center by participating in its collective planning; to develop and apply didactic methodologies, both group and personalized, adapted to the diversity of students.
- Design and develop learning spaces with special attention to equity, emotional and values education, equal rights and opportunities between men and women, citizenship training and respect for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision making and the construction of a sustainable future.
- Acquire strategies to stimulate student effort and promote their ability to learn on their own and with others and develop thinking and decision-making skills that facilitate personal autonomy, confidence, and initiative.
- Understand the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, master the social skills and abilities necessary to promote learning and coexistence in the classroom, and address discipline and conflict resolution problems.
- Design and carry out formal and non-formal activities that contribute to making the center a place of participation and culture in the environment where it is located; develop the functions of tutoring and guidance of students in a collaborative and coordinating manner; participate in the evaluation, research and innovation of teaching and learning processes.
- Understand the regulations and institutional organization of the educational system and quality improvement models applicable to educational centers.
- Understand and analyze the historical characteristics of the teaching profession, its current situation, perspectives, and interrelation with the social reality of each era.
- Inform and advise families about the teaching and learning process and about the personal, academic, and professional orientation of their children.
Graduate Profile
The master's degree qualifies the student to work as a:
- Teacher in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate.
- Teacher in Vocational Training
- Teacher at Official Language Schools
Once the program is over, the student will obtain a Diploma in the MASTER'S DEGREE IN TEACHER TRAINING FOR COMPULSORY SECONDARY AND BACHELOR'S EDUCATION, VOCATIONAL TRAINING AND LANGUAGE TEACHING, issued by the European University of the Atlantic.
Study Programme
The master's degree consists of 60 credits distributed among its component subjects (general and specific module), extracurricular work placement and the master's thesis (practicum module). The time foreseen for completing the master's degree is one academic year.
1st Semester | Psychological Development and Learning | 3 | OB |
Fundamentals of Special Education: Processes of Attention to Diversity | 3 | OB | |
History and Anthropology of Education: Theories and Practices | 3 | OB | |
General Didactics | 3 | OB | |
Organization and Management of Educational Centers | 3 | OB | |
History, Background, and Content of the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
History, Background, and Content of the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
History, Background, and Content of the Business Economics Specialty | |||
History, Background, and Content of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
History, Background, and Content of the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
History, Background, and Content of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
History, Background, and Content of the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Curricular Design and Programming of the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Curricular Design and Programming of the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
Curriculum Design and Programming of the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Curricular Design and Programming of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
Curricular Design and Programming of the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Curricular Design and Programming of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Curricular Design and Programming of the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Methodology of the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Methodology of the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources for the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Didactic Resources of the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources of the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources for the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources for the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Didactic Resources for the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Learning Strategies for the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Learning Strategies for the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development of the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development of the Technology and IT Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development in the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research and Professional Development of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development in the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Innovation, Research, and Professional Development of the Geography and History Specialty | |||
2nd Semester | Family Counseling and Guidance | 3 | OB |
ICT in the Educational Processes in the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
ICT in the Educational Processes of the Technology and Computer Science Specialty | |||
ICT in the Educational Processes in the Business Economics Specialty | |||
ICT in the Educational Processes of the Occupational Training and Guidance Specialty | |||
ICT in the Educational Processes of the Physical Education and Sports Specialty | |||
ICT in the Educational Processes of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
ICT in Educational Processes in the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Foreign Language Specialty - English | 3 | OP | |
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Technology and Computer Science | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Business Economics Specialty | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Occupational Training and Guidance | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting in the Physical Education and Sport Specialty | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Food Industry Specialty | |||
Conflict Resolution and Transformation in the School Setting of the Geography and History Specialty | |||
Work experience (in the specialty area) | 12 | PR | |
FMP (in the specialty area) | 6 | PR |
*The student must take the optional subjects corresponding to the selected specialty: Foreign Languages - English; Technology and Computer Science; Business Economics; Training and Work Orientation; Physical Education and Sports; Food Industry or Geography and History.
Access Requirements
Admission requirements for the master's degree:
According to the provisions of Article 18 of Royal Decree 822/2021, students who meet any of the following conditions may be admitted to these studies:
- Possession of an official university degree of Spanish Graduate or equivalent is a condition for admittance to a Master's Degree, or, if applicable, possession of another Master's Degree, or degrees of the same level as the Spanish Bachelor's or Master's Degree issued by universities and institutions of higher education of a country of the EHEA that in that country allows admittance to a Master's studies.
- Likewise, persons in possession of degrees from educational systems that do not form part of the EHEA, which are equivalent to a Bachelor's degree, may be admitted to a Master's Degree of the Spanish university system without the need for homologation of the degree, but with verification by the university of the educational level in question, provided that the country where the degree was issued enables admittance to postgraduate university studies. In no case will admittance by this path imply the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party or its recognition for purposes other than that of carrying out the Master's studies.
Admission profile:
The Master's Degree in Teaching in Secondary Schools, Vocational Training and Language Centres is aimed at those professionals who, having received a specific education in a specific area of knowledge in their undergraduate studies, wish to work as teachers in the field of Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training or Language Teaching.
To be admitted to the master's degree, the student must hold one of the following degrees, depending on the specialty chosen:
- Major in Foreign Language: English:
- Degree in English Philology
- Graduate / Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages: English
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Interpreting (English)
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Translation and Intercultural Communication (English)
- Graduate in Modern Languages (English)
- Graduate Degree in Modern Languages and their Literatures (English)
- Graduate Degree in Modern Languages and Management (English)
- Graduate Degree in Modern Languages, Culture and Communication (English)
- Graduate Degree in Modern Languages and Translation (English)
- Graduate in Applied Languages (English)
- Graduate in Foreign Languages (English)
- Graduate Degree in English Studies, Literature and Culture
- Specialization in Technology and Computer Science:
- Diploma in Computer Science
- Graduate in Computer Engineering
- Information Technology Engineering
- Technical Engineering in Computer Management
- Technical Engineering in Computer Systems
- Specialization in Business Economics:
- Degree in Economics and Business Administration
- Degree in Economics
- Bachelor of Business Administration
- Degree in Actuarial Science
- Bachelor's Degree in Market Research and Techniques
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management
- Graduate in Economics
- Graduate in Statistics and Business
- Graduate in Tourism
- Graduate in International Tourism and Leisure Company Management
- Graduate in Tourism Organization and Resource Management
- Graduate in Commerce
- Graduate in Marketing and Commercial Management
- Graduate in Development, Business Management and Market Strategies
- Graduate in Finance and Accounting
- Graduate in Business Management
- Specialization in Training and Job Orientation:
- Degree in Business Administration and Management
- Degree in Economics
- Degree in Business Administration
- Graduate / Bachelor in Statistics and Business
- Graduate / Bachelor in Finance and Accounting
- Graduate / Bachelor in Business Management
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Commerce and Marketing
- Graduate / Bachelor in Criminology
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Psychology
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and Administration
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Law
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Engineering
- Graduate / Bachelor in Sociology
- Graduate / Bachelor's Degree in Labor Sciences
- Graduate / Diploma in Labor Relations
- Diploma in Social Education
- Diploma in Management and Public Administration
- Diploma in Social Work
- Specialty in Physical Education and Sports
- Graduate in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences
- Degree in Physical Education
- Degree in Medicine, accrediting the possession of the Diploma of Specialist in Sports Medicine
- Specialty in Food Technology
- Graduate in Human Nutrition and Dietetics
- Graduate/ Bachelor in Food Science and Technology
- Graduate Degree in Agricultural and Food Industry Engineering
- Graduate Degree in Chemistry
- Graduate in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts
- Graduate Degree in Chemical Engineering
- Degree in Biology
- Graduate/Bachelor in Biotechnology
- Degree in Veterinary Medicine
- Graduate Degree in Biomedical Engineering
- Graduate in Industrial Technical Engineering, specializing in Industrial Chemistry
- Biochemistry Graduate Degree
- Specialization in Geography and History
- Graduate Degree in Geography
- Graduate/Degree in History
- Graduate Degree in Art History
- Graduate/Degree in Humanities
- Graduate Degree in Geography and Territorial Planning
- Graduate/Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Graduate in Sociology
- Graduate Degree in Geography and Environment
- Archaeology Graduate/Degree in Archaeology
University graduates of any degree similar to the above will also be accepted, whether they are degrees of future implementation in the Spanish university system or existing degrees in the university systems of other countries.
Likewise, university graduates from degrees not related to the specialty will be accepted provided that they meet one of the following conditions:
- Have completed a minimum of 60 credits in an undergraduate degree or equivalent, corresponding to the specialty to be studied and, therefore, show the acquisition of the competencies related to the specialization.
- Pass an entrance exam designed by the European University of the Atlantic specifically for those persons who, being in possession of a non-related degree, in order to gain admission to the master's degree must demonstrate mastery of the competencies of the specialty for which they are applying.
In addition to the legal requirements, the University requires:
- Proof of B1 knowledge of a foreign language. If this cannot be accredited by the degree, it must be done through documents issued by officially recognized institutions such as Official Schools, which guarantee that the student has at least this level in any language or other comparable ones in the opinion of the competent body of the European University of the Atlantic.
- Accreditation for the specialty in Foreign Language - English by means of the degree certificate a sufficient command of English as a vehicular language in the academic environment. If this cannot be accredited by the degree, it must be done through documents issued by officially recognized institutions such as Official Schools, which guarantee that the student has in English, at least, a level C1 of the CEFR or other similar ones in the opinion of the competent body of the European University of the Atlantic.
- Passing the university's own entrance exams if the candidate does not have a bachelor's degree related to the specialty of the master's degree.
In those cases of applicants with degrees not related to the specialty they are applying for and who so require, specific admission tests will be called, which will be carried out by the Admissions Department. This test will take place in person in Santander and in the different representative offices abroad and, additionally, it may also be taken remotely (online).
These specific tests to accredit the mastery of competencies will be carried out in writing and will be composed of a series of exercises and questions that allow evaluating that the candidate possesses skills and knowledge equivalent to degree level in relation to the specialty to which he/she is applying for access to the program. The contents of the test will vary depending on the specialty:
- Foreign Language Major - English: Applied Linguistics, Contemporary English Literature, Anglo-American Linguistics and English Grammar.
- Specialization in Technology and Computer Science: Industrial technology, electrical engineering, computer technology and structure, operating and computer systems, information and communication technologies, algorithm design, programming (structured, modular, object-oriented), logical design of data and functions, functions and services at the physical level, link level, network and transport level and at the session, presentation and application levels, system integration, local network system design.
- Specialization in Business Economics: Business Economics (nature; organizational thinking; commercial and productive activities; commercial variables; financial, management and control functions; business planning; strategic analysis, strategy formulation and implementation), economics (basic elements of economic analysis, demand and supply theory, utility and demand theory, production theory, market structures, macroeconomic concepts and variables, money and the financial system, among others).
- Specialty and Labor Training and Orientation: business administration and organization: the entrepreneur, the company and the environment, the legal forms of the company, the marketing plan and customer service, the organization of the company and human resources, financial accounting, sources of financing and the company's investment plan, tax obligations of the company, administrative management in the company and the procedures for incorporating the company; labor law: labor law, the employment contract and the types of contracts, working hours and their remuneration, modification, suspension and termination of the employment contract, the social security system, social security benefits and unemployment, employee participation in the company, work organization and the factor of change; and occupational health: regulations on occupational risk prevention, obligations of employers and workers in terms of occupational risk protection, principles of preventive action and protective equipment, damage to worker health, risks arising from environmental conditions, risks arising from safety conditions, risks arising from the work load and organization of work, action in case of accident (accident analysis), basic first aid techniques, emergency plans in the company, prevention management methods, workers' representation in prevention.
- Specialty in Physical Education and Sports: Theoretical bases of physical education, teaching methods and didactic strategies related to physical education, methodological bases: the physical education class, attention to diversity in physical education, from curriculum to teaching programming in physical education, evaluation in physical education, health-oriented physical condition in physical education classes, healthy habits in relation to physical activity, programming and evaluation of physical conditioning in physical education.
- Specialty in Food Technology: Food technology, food industry, food technology, food control and safety, food handling hygiene standards, fundamentals of biology, chemistry and microbiology, food biotechnology, food packaging and wrapping
- Specialization in Geography and History: main knowledge of geography (physical, human, regional, cartography, social and cultural, etc.), history (Greek, Roman, medieval, modern, contemporary, present-day world, etc.) and art history; the interrelation between fields of knowledge such as anthropology, geography, and history.
Admission process
The admission process to the Master's Degree begins by sending the following documentation by mail or courier to the Postgraduate Admissions Section:
- Completed Application Form for Admission
- Updated Curriculum Vitae
- Photocopy of DNI (Spanish candidates only) or NIE or passport (foreign candidates only)
- Photocopy of transcript of studies / academic record (completed or in final year of university degree)
- Two passport size photographs, in color.
Once the documentation has been received, the Master's Admissions Committee, composed of the Head of Academic Planning, the Director of the Admissions Department, the Academic Director of the Master's Degree and two professors of the Master's Degree, will verify that the presented degree enables admittance of the candidate to the degree, and will analyze all applications received to determine the suitability of the candidates for the Master's Degree studies.
The number of spaces offered for new students is 120. If the number of applications exceeds the number of spaces available in the master's program, the following admission criteria will be followed:
- Student's academic record (60%)
- Holding a degree related to the specialty (20%).
- Other merits related to the field of the degree (scholarships and awards related to the degree, postgraduate education in related degrees, professional experience related to the degree) (20%)
The Master's Academic Committee reserves the right to interview candidates in case of possible doubts that may arise during the admission process. After the evaluation and analysis of the candidates, the Admissions Committee approves or rejects the application.
Once this phase is completed, the candidate receives written information about his/her admission, which is sent by telephone and/or e-mail, about the result of the admission process and about the formalization of his/her enrollment in the degree, the final documentation, duly legalized if required due to the nature of the documents provided, which must be submitted to start the pre-enrollment/place reservation process and subsequent enrollment.
Academic Standards
Rules for continuance and continuation of studies in university master's degrees and Fother postgraduate degrees Regulations for the Recognition and Transfer of Credits for Official Undergraduate and Master's Degree Programs Academic and Student Regulations Extracurricular Work Placement Regulations
Quality Management
Title Quality Management