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Innovation in businesses demanded by the modern business management and the existence of Internet and the global society demands form businesses, organizations, institutions and daily activities that are connected with the NICT in order to provide organizational, technological, commercial, financial innovations, among others.
This has led to computerized companies that have been subjected to change processes that have included digitalizing and turning business processes virtual, giving to new working ways. This evolution is not ceasing nowadays.
The program Master’s Degree in Strategic Management in Information Technology is focused on developing the concepts and abilities to train people who are capable of giving responses and solutions to these companies and this evolution.
The master has been approved in accordance with the convergence criteria of Bolonia and counts on the official recognition of every country from the European Union.
Learning Results
Graduates in the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management in Information Technology will be trained to link business strategies to technological developments, that get technology close to the needs of the diverse business areas to achieve the strategical objectives. With that aim, throughout the program, the following specific competencies will be developed:
- Integrating technologies, applications and services from ICTs in business or multidisciplinary environments.
- Making business management automatic by applying concepts and techniques of integrated systems and also their mechanisms for deploying and organizing.
- Managing IT systems, facilities and services by using strategic tools and techniques so that it can all contribute to and align with the IT vision of the strategic business plan.
- Designing and implementing an ICT project.
- Designing a strategic plan centered on a functional model of human resources and technical management.
- Directing and managing technological integration, development and innovation projects with a criterion for quality and a security guarantee for people and goods.
- Managing business ICT services and tools by integrating the concepts of BI, datawarehousing and datamining in decision-making.
- Introducing e-commerce and social media strategies solutions, in accordance with organizational strategies and addressing criteria for efficiency, quality, standards and good practice models.
- Adapting the products, services and organization processes depending on the new available technologies.
- Analyzing the organization’s current situation and establish improvements for its processes using ICT tools. Understanding and knowing how to apply the function and operation of new generation technologies, intermediate software and services.
- Managing and evaluating certification and security guarantee mechanisms in the treatment of and access to information in a local or distributed processing system.
- Analyzing the information needs that are employed in an environment and understand the construction process of an information system.
- Evaluating the proper services and applications for businesses.
- Analyzing and proposing work solutions through knowledge management technologies.
Graduate Profile
Some of the career opportunities of the Master Program in Strategic Management in Telecommunications are:
- Management of a new technologies department, area, etc.
- Technology business projects manager
- Business projects based on technologies manager.
- External business consultant in change strategies based on NICT.
Once the program is completed, the student will obtain the diploma MASTER IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES issued by the European University of the Atlantic.
Study Programme
The Master in Strategic Management in Information Technologies is organized in 66 credits distributed into the subjects, the external internship and a masters’ degree final project. Estimated time for completion is three academic semesters.
1st Semester | Work teams management techniques | 4 | MAND |
E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing | 5 | MAND | |
Electronic Security and Legislation | 5 | MAND | |
Business Management Systems and Cloud Computing Services. | 5 | MAND | |
Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning | 5 | MAND | |
Business intelligence | 5 | MAND | |
Administration and Management of ICT Projects | 5 | MAND | |
2nd Semester | Strategic Management and Planning | 4 | MAND |
Re-engineering, Strategy, Systems Management and ICT | 4 | MAND | |
Strategic Management of Human Resources | 4 | MAND | |
Management Techniques and Organizational Leadership | 4 | MAND | |
INTERNSHIP External internship |
6 | EI | |
3rd Semester | FINAL PROJECT Master’s Degree Final Project |
10 | MFP |
*The Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER) offers financial aids for these master degrees.
Access Requirements
Requirements to access to master’s degrees studies
According to what is established in artículo 16 del Real Decreto 1393/2007, as amended by the Real Decreto 861/2010, access to these studies will be granted for students who meet either of the following conditions:
- Be in possession of an official Spanish university undergraduate or any another issued by a higher education institution of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies in the issuing country for the access to Master's degree studies.
- Those students that hold an undergraduate not belonging to the educational systems of the European Higher Education Area can access without the need for the accreditation of their degrees, after the University has verified that they have an equivalent level of education to the corresponding Spanish official university undergraduate studies, and that allows to access to postgraduate studies. Access by this via does not denote, in any case, the approval of the prior diploma held by the applicant, or its recognition for purposes other than entering the master’s degrees studies.
- In the case of students with special educational needs arising from a disability, the need for possible curricular adaptations, itineraries or alternative studies.
Furthermore, the European University of the Atlantic demands, as a requisite:
Demonstrating a basic knowledge equivalent to an undergraduate level, of the master’s degree academic field and particularly of the following areas: Information and Communication Society. Business organization in the information and change society. Virtual collaborative work environments.
Once these requirements are met, the admission process is done in two phases: preregistration and enrollment.
Student profile
The methodology, plus the clarity, extension and didactic ssed to design the contents allow to address the Master’s Degree in Strategic Management in Information Technology to professionals from a variety of studies (engineers, physicians, attorneys, graduates, among others) who wish to learn the abilities needed to manage and occupy a management post at ICT and Systems businesses, manage an organizational change process using the ICT or who wish to be consultants for businesses that want to be competitive against new companies.
Given its educational scope, it is aimed at training dynamic, creative and motivated professionals who want to begin, improve or lead projects of businesses boosted by ICT.
For the proposed master’s degree, it will be specially assessed to be in possession of any of the studies included in the list below:
- Computer Higher Engineering / Graduate in Computer Engineering
- Industrial Higher Engineering / Graduate in Industrial Organization Engineering
- Higher Engineering in Telecommunications / Graduate in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering
- Graduate in Business Administration and Management
- University graduate in any qualification equivalent to the ones above, may they be future qualifications in the Spanish university system, may they be existing qualifications in the university systems in other countries.
- University degree in any specialization accrediting to have received specific training in Communication.
- University degree in any specialization accrediting to have received specific training in Communication for a long time.
Preregistration and Enrollment
Preregistration and place payment.
The admission process to the Master begins with the submission, via postal service or courier company to the Postgraduate Admission Section the following documentation:
- Completed Admission Application Form
- Up-to-date resume
- ID photocopy (only Spanish applicants), NIE or passport (only foreign applicants)
- Academic record photocopy (finished studies or taking the last year of the studies)
- Two color passport-sized photos.
To ease the admission process to the master’s degree the European University of the Atlantic allows the submission of the documentation via e-mail: Likewise, to formalize the admission process it is necessary to submit the required documentation via postal service or a courier company to the Postgraduate Admission Section.
Once the documentation is received, the Admissions Committee for Master’s Degrees made up by the Academic Planning head, the Admissions Department Management, the Master’s Degrees Academic Manager and two professors teaching at the Master’s Degree will check that the diploma enables the admission to the studies and will analyze the applications received in order to determine the applicants’ adequacy. In this admission phase, the following criteria will be considered:
- Student’s academic record (80%)
- Other merits linked to the diploma’s field (scholarships and prizes relates to the diploma, postgraduate studies in similar studies, professional experience related to the diploma) (20%)
The Master’s Degree Academic Committee reserves the right to interview the applicants, in case it deems so necessary as to complement the information stated in the submitted documentation. Once the applicants’ assessment and analysis has concluded, the Admissions Committee approves or rejects the application form. The number of places is 90 per group for every academic year, as established in section 1 in this present document. Once this phase is finished, the applicant is informed, via phone or e-mail, about the result of the admission process and the registration process, the documentation required, dully legalized if required by the nature of the documentation submitted, documents that have to be submitted to start the preregistration process/place reservation and then the enrollment.
Admitted students will be contacted by the Student Secretariat, who will indicate which documents must be submitted in order to formalize the enrollment to the master’s degree.
Enrollment via Internet: The self-enrollment service from the university’s web allows the admitted students to make all the academic, economic and administrative procedures, without having to go the university in person.
This Master’s Degree has more than one call per year. For more information about dates and deadlines, contact with the University’s Academic Secretariat.
Transfer and credits’ acknowledgment systems
With the objective of making more effective the students’ mobility, “recognition” means the acceptance on the part of the European University of the Atlantic of the credits which, having been obtained in any official program, in this or another university, are valid for obtaining an official diploma.
The acknowledgment of credits must be requested by the student at the time of the enrollment. In exceptional cases, and with an explicit authorization, a different deadline from the one stated may be established and the student will have to pay for the academic fees established.
The credits obtained by the student included in the following list will be eligible for acknowledgment:
- The credits obtained in university studies leading to other degrees, mentioned in artículo 34.1 of the Ley Orgánica 6/2001, December 21st, de Universidades, modified by the Ley Orgánica 4/2007, April 12th.
- The rest of credits may be acknowledged by the University taking into account the competences and knowledge associated with the subjects taken by the student and those foreseen in the study plan or that have a cross-cutting nature.
The maximum number of credits of the assumptions (a) and (b) shall not be greater than 15% of the total number of credits that constitute the study plan. The credits’ transfer also implies the inclusion, in the official academic documents, proof of each student’s studies, of the credits earned in previous official studies, in this or another University, which have not led to an official degree.
For more information about dates and deadlines, contact with the University’s Academic Secretariat.