Degree in Primary Education

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Degree in Primary Education



The European University of the Atlantic includes in its academic offer the Degree in Primary Education  in order to respond to the training needs and interests of those students who wish to exercise the profession of teacher in primary education (compulsory stage between ages 6 to 12) in public schools, private and international.

Primary education is a field of professionalisation and unquestionable scientific interest throughout the world. In this regard, UNEATLANTICO offers a curriculum fully adjusted to the demands of the labor market and adapted to the characteristics of the current society: Multilingual, digital and global.

Characteristics of the Degree in Primary Education UNEATLANTICO:

  • Bilingual Curriculum. The future teacher reaches during the training a level C1 in English with the goal that at the end of their studies is capable of providing any subject in this language
  • Curricular teaching internship throughout the four years of the degree. The objective is that teachers develop professional competencies so important as the emotional intelligence: its self-awareness and regulation; reflective practice; as well as to enable the implementation interventions with teachers supervised in real educational contexts and the elaboration of proposals for improvement and innovation.
  • Training curriculum focused on:
    • The acquisition of the knowledge and tools that will help the student to substantiate the reflection psycho-socio-pedagogical educational fact.
    • The acquisition of knowledge, attitudes and skills that will help you to reach the level of maturity necessary to assume the responsibilities of the profession.
    • The creation of teaching-learning situations that challenge the students to reflect critically on their formation process and professional development.
  • Professional specialization in one of the following honourable mention:
    • Mention in Foreign Languages - English
    • Mention in Sport and Exercise
  • Acquisition of computer and informational skills.
  • Availability of modern facilities that allow the student to develop the practical skills of the degree.

Classroom of the future

Aula del futuro

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico offers high quality teacher training according to the demands and needs of the current educational system, emphasizing the development of skills and competencies, the learning of active methodologies, the use of technology, and the flexibility of a zoned and reconfigurable.

Knowledge of the use and possibilities of the Classroom of the Future helps future teachers to understand the development of teaching and learning processes within an innovative and essential pedagogical framework to understand how to best help primary school students to develop their skills and acquire content to be competent in their daily lives in today's society.

For all this, there is an interactive whiteboard, computers, VR glasses, a screen, a projector, specific material with Wi-F connection facilities, a stand for presentations, and ten meters of magnetic board. All of this is complemented by a television studio and a radio studio, with the objective of training future teachers as moderators, counselors, and guides for students with diverse learning needs and rhythms.

In short, UNEATLANTICO's commitment to the Classroom of the Future consolidates its commitment to the training of future teachers to lead the educational transformation of the 21st century.

Learning Results

All the competences developed by the students of the Undergraduate Degree in Primary Education once completed their studies can be consulted in the link below:

Competences of the degree.

Graduate Profile


Students graduating in Primary Education from UNEATLANTICO may choose to work in the following professions:

  • Teacher in the stage of Primary Education in public centres, private and/or international
  • Education adviser in libraries, play centres, hospital classrooms, museums, theaters, etc.
  • Author, reviewer and pedagogical coordinator of didactic materials, textbooks and/or software associated with e-learning
  • Secretary, head of studies or principal of education centres

Bilingual Education

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Grado en Educación Primaria (Bilingüe)


English, the Key to Your Present and Future

Currently, one of the essential tools in international communication, and the key that opens up possibilities for finding a good job position both in Spain and abroad, is English. In our country, 80% of job offers already require an excellent command of this language, and often, this criterion outweighs others such as academic record or professional experience.

This is why at the European University of the Atlantic, students of all degree programs study English as a mandatory subject starting from the second year, and from the third year onward, they also take full courses in this language.

To ensure that the initial level of English is not a barrier to accessing studies, UNEATLANTICO provides personalized teaching, especially during the first year, so that all students achieve sufficient linguistic competencies in English to successfully complete the courses in their degree program.

Thus, regardless of their starting level of English, with a comprehensive support plan based on tutoring, specific materials, and very small study groups, students can progressively follow classes in a Spanish/English bilingual system and will have acquired bilingual competencies for their professional practice by the end of their studies.


Once the student has completed the program, they will obtain a GRADUATE DEGREE IN PRIMARY EDUCATION as issued by the European University of the Atlantic.

Study Programme


First Year

Sociology Within Education: Social, Educational and Multicultural Changes 6
Learning Strategies and ICT Competence 6
Spanish Language and Communication I 6
History and Anthropology of Education: Theories and Practices 6
English I 6
Didactics, Curricular Design and Programming 6
Spanish Language and Communication II 6
Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Adolescence 6
English II 6
Learning Mathematics and its Teaching Approach I 6

Second Year

Psychopedagogy of Learning and Education 6
Planning, Research, and Innovation 6
Educational Systems, Institutional Context and School Management 6
English III 6
Learning Mathematics and its Teaching Approach II 6
Teaching Approach of Language and Children’s Literature 6
Teaching Approach of Experimental Sciences 6
Educational Guidance and Tutoring 6
Inclusive Diversity and Education 6
English IV 6

Third Year

Physical Education Curriculum in Primary School Education 6
Extracurricular Placement I: Workshop for Professional Competencies 6
Language Learning and Teaching 6
Teaching and Learning Outdoor, Social and Cultural Knowledge 6
Elective I 6
English V - MLENEXTING 6
Fundamentals of Human Physical Activity and Motility - MEDUFIS 6
Group Psychology (EL) 6
Extracurricular Placement II 18
Elective II 12
Analysis and Design of Teaching Materials for LLEE and ICT Teaching - MLENEXTING 6
Second Language Acquisition- MLENEXTING 6
Systematics of the exercise - MEDUFIS 6
Education in Values through Physical Education and Sport - MEDUFIS 6
Psychology of Emotions 6
Psychology of Sports- MEDUFIS 6

Fourth Year

Art and Visual Education 6
Music Education 6
Content and Language Integrated Learning 6
Elective III 6
Individual Factors in Foreign Language Learning - MLENEXTING 6
History and Culture of English-Speaking Countries - MLENEXTING 6
Spoken English and Communicative Strategies for Managing a class- MLENEXTING 6
Games and Sports Initiation - MEDUFIS 6
Inclusive Physical Education - MEDUFIS 6
Body Language and Expression - MEDUFIS 6
Outdoor Activities - MEDUFIS 6
Religion, Culture, and Values 6
Conflict Resolution and Mediation 6
Extracurricular Placement III 18
Teaching Approach of Social Sciences 4
Final Project 8
  • Mention in Foreign Languages-English - MLENEXTING
  • Mention in Physical Education - MEDUFIS

Admission profile

This Degree is meant for people with clear professional and personal goals, who provide maturity and contribute to the mutual enrichment among their peers. It aims to provide a context in which applicants can develop a profitable long-term relationship with their peers, teachers, former students and the institution.

On a more general note, the applicants who want to study in this university must have the following traits:

  • Leadership: the university is interested in applicants qualified for teamwork, with self-confidence, initiative, able to work under pressure, great communication skills and a high sense of ethics.
  • Academic journey and professional motivation: the applicants must have finished their studies according to the Spanish university system within a reasonable period of time and satisfactory academic results. Previous work experience will also be considered a positive, same as any other complementary training that applicants may possess as relevant for the position.
  • Languages: considering the international and global aspect that the university wishes to have, being proficient in English is a valued requirement during the admissions process. Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.

Furthermore, students whose native language is not Spanish and want admission into the university, must certify that they have the required level to take the subjects in Spanish. Any other language will be considered a distinguishing feature during the admissions process.

Personal characteristics:

  • Entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Global citizens.
  • Leadership capacity.

Educational goals:

  • A prestigious international institution.
  • A flexible study plan.
  • Innovative learning methodology.
  • Personalized education: small groups, tutoring system.
  • Practical approach aimed at the job market: seminars, conferences, internships.
  • Exchange programs with universities in other parts of the world.
  • Comprehensive training.

Apart from the general features of the students of this university, students of Business Administration and Management must have the following characteristics as related to the Degree:

Personal characteristics:

The following are guiding criteria that strictly follow the criteria of non-discrimination based on race, nationality, ideology, gender or religion. The following will be valued:

  • Interest for culture, both your own and others.
  • Intellectual curiosity and interest in reflecting about the value of political inter-cultural communication, discovering the background rules on how contemporary societies are organized and how international social agents interact and innovate in organizing and decision making.
  • Ease with oral and written expression.
  • International experience through travel and school trips.
  • Understanding ethics as the main engine of human decisions.

Academic characteristics:

The recommended academic profile reflects the admissions requirement as specified on this webpage. Furthermore, we are looking for an interdisciplinary profile that is inclusive and open to a variety of profiles, since we are aware of the assets this may offer.

This interdisciplinary, inclusive and open, profile refers to Secondary Education students who did not study a specific Bachelor’s field, since it is not a requirement for admission into the Degree. The diverse academic profile of students is considered instructive for the teaching-learning group.