ICT Created Tools


ICT tools generated in R&D research projects


Nutritional Composition

Nutritional Composition is a space created to provide a series of value-added services, offering tools, resources, and information on training and research programs for professionals and those interested in the field of nutrition and health.

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Digital business finance simulator

Based on the data entered and different scenarios, the digital simulator tool generates different challenges for student-entrepreneurs to test and evaluate the financial part of a entrepreneurship proposal and also offers recommendations based on the actual contribution of different financial agents such as banks, private investors, business angels, or crowdfunding platforms.

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"Navigating Tourism in Crisis" mobile application

The "Navigating Tourism in Crisis" application is aimed squarely at new and experienced entrepreneurs interested in thriving in the challenging tourism sector, especially during turbulent crises. It contains links to all the resources created within this project, including videos, podcasts, case studies, and modular courses, with a special focus on the accessibility of learning materials for those who want to avoid spending long hours in front of a computer.

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PREVENT-SOS: Development of technologies for risk identification in natural aquatic areas

Drowning is the second leading cause of unnatural death worldwide. Reducing these figures is the main objective of the project, which has materialized in the form of a digital tool to identify risks on beaches and carry out a subsequent analysis and management, with a final stage focused on informing the user.

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Development of an assessment tool for predicting the dynamic risk of drowning on beaches – SOSeas

This project, a continuation of PREVENT-SOS, aims to export the methodology developed to the world's swimming areas.

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New mechanisms to determine the risk of injury in sport at different stages of the sporting season

The generated digital tool allows to keep track of the injuries of each athlete, as well as their biomechanical constants, eating habits, and emotional state of health in such a way that there is information that combines several factors at an important level of detail and in a personalized way for each player.

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Study of the influence of physical exercise during pregnancy on the prevention of the consequences of excessive weight gain

The project has developed a web page that arose from the need to inform the public about advances related to scientific research in the field of physical exercise and pregnancy.

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NUTRIX: Development of technologies for the analysis of patients in dietary treatments using expert systems and neural networks

NUTRIX is a tool capable of contributing to an effective approach to specific problems such as malnutrition or obesity, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of health professionals by providing a greater capacity for analysis and support in the nutritional monitoring of patients.

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