Professors and Researchers

Luis Bernárdez Fidalgo

Luis Bernárdez Fidalgo

Higher Polytechnic School, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Industrial Engineer with more than twenty years of experience in the iron and steel industry. With work experience abroad and responsibilities in quality, production, commercial, people management and senior management.

Luis Fanjul González

Luis Fanjul González

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country. Master in Interactive Digital Technologies from the Complutense University of Madrid. Experience in the production of advertising and documentaries, as well as in teaching editing and digital post-production of film and video. Member of the audiovisual department of the university and collaborator in different audiovisual production companies.

Majid Safadaran

Majid Safadaran

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Doctorate in Education (Atlantic International University). Master in Education (University of Piura). Master in TESOL (State University New York). Post-doctorate in Education in progress. His research focuses on blended and distance learning.

Manuel Ángel Castañeda

Manuel Ángel Castañeda

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Bachelor’s Degree in Information Sciences and in Teaching. Editor of El Diario Montañés for 31 years. Estrañi award, Vocento award. He teaches writing composition, with an special emphasis on practice.

Manuel Baelo Álvarez

Manuel Baelo Álvarez

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Doctor with International Mention. Degree in Law and Political Science. Master in Access to the Legal Profession and in Political Analysis. Professor accredited ANECA in the figures of Professor Hired Doctor and Private University, with over ten years of teaching and research experience, he has been a professor at UEX, USC, UVIGO, US, Universidad Nebrija, UCAM UCJC, UMH, UNIR and Universidad Europea del Atlántico; as well as visiting professor at the Universidade do Porto, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, the University of Nottingham and the Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata.

Marcos Bermejo Gil

Marcos Bermejo Gil

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Journalist specialising in economics and politics, (editor, editor-in-chief, correspondent, director, columnist) in radio, written and digital press and Social Media. Director of Communication in different companies and institutions. Associate university lecturer. Executive coach accredited by AECOP-EMCC. Vice-president of the Association of Journalists of Cantabria.