Professors and Researchers

Marta Vega

Marta Vega

Faculty of Health Sciences

She teaches in the Undergraduate in Sport and Exercise Science Health psychologist, authorized specialist in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). She coordiantes and teahces in the Master’s Degree in ACT for companies.

Martín Barcala

Martín Barcala

Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Doctoral student in Physical Activity, Physical Education, and Sport at the Pontifical University of Salamanca (Spain). Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences. Diploma in Teaching, specializing in Physical Education. Master's Degree in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of Spanish. Pedagogical Aptitude Course. National soccer coach level 1 qualification. Water lifeguard qualification. Trained and experienced in teaching in virtual learning environments.

Martín Fernández

Martín Fernández

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

PhD in English Philology from the University of Valladolid. Master's Degree in Specialized Translation from the Institute of Bilingual Terminology and Specialized Translation of the University of Valladolid. Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching. Her research focuses on English-Spanish contrastive rhetoric.

Michelle Moreira

Michelle Moreira

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Degree in Communication and Arts, with qualification in Journalism (Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Official Master in Anthropology (Autonomous University of Barcelona). With experience in audiovisual media studies, especially on photography related to areas such as Anthropology of the Body, Social Representation or Educommunication.

Miguel Heres

Miguel Heres

Faculty of Health Sciences

PhD student in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Oviedo. He has completed the Degree of Teacher in Primary Education with mention in Physical Education and the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching in the specialty of Physical Education. He has worked as a coach in different disciplines such as rugby, triathlon and swimming.

Mireia Peláez Puente

Mireia Peláez Puente

Faculty of Health Sciences

PhD in Sport and Exercise Science. Expert in physical exercise and health, exercise prescription for special populations and also an expert in the expressive dimension of the movement. She combines teaching at the European University of the Atlantic with master's programs and training courses for professionals.