Professors and Researchers

Mónica Bonilla

Mónica Bonilla

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

PhD in Communication (educommunication and media literacy) from the University of Huelva. Master in Communication and Audiovisual Education by the University of Huelva and Master in Emotional, Social and Creativity Education by the University of Cantabria. Graduated in Early Childhood Education from the University of Cantabria.

Mónica Gracia Villar

Mónica Gracia Villar

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Degree in Communication Sciences (Universidad Autónoma de Bellaterra), Master in Strategic Management (Universidad de León) and Master in Human Resources and Knowledge Management (Universidad Europea del Atlántico) and PhD in Project Engineering: Environment, Safety, Quality and Communication (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). She has more than 20 years of experience in the press, radio and television, in addition to a consolidated trajectory in the field of corporate communication.

Mª Lourdes de la Torre

Mª Lourdes de la Torre

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Master's Degree in Conference Interpretation from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Master's Degree in Translation and New Technologies: Translation of Software and Multimedia Products. Degree in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Salamanca. Freelance translator, interpreter and localizer for more than six years (EN/FR/DE>ES).

Nacho Solana

Nacho Solana

Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

Director of advertising and short films. He combines his work as a freelance director with film training. He is the founder, together with Burbuja Films of the school of cinema “El Cine en tus Manos” and coordinator of the "Muestra de Cine y Creatividad" in the Botín Foundation.

Nancy Murillo

Nancy Murillo

Faculty of Health Sciences

Degree in Psychology (Guadalajara, Mexico). Master in Neuropsychology (Salamanca) and Master in Mental Health Research (Cadiz). She is a PhD student at the University of Cantabria and is the beneficiary of a predoctoral contract from the Valdecilla Health Research Institute (IDIVAL). In her thesis project she explores the genetic and neuropsychological variables associated with psychosis. Co-author of scientific articles published in high impact factor journals. She has carried out national and international research stays, and has collaborated in different research projects with regional and national funding.

Naroa Martínez

Naroa Martínez

Faculty of Health Sciences

D. in Psychology from the University of Deusto (UD), where she currently works as a teacher, teaching subjects such as Psychometrics, Learning and Learning Difficulties, as well as directing TFG and TFM. She has published several scientific articles in high impact journals and has presented her research results in several international conferences.